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Ruben Barahona


"To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge - Confucius"



May 28th

Tattoo Styles



Black and Grey

Career Start


Home Base

New York, New York

Born in Guatemala City to a single mother in the midst of a bitter civil war, Ruben sought solace in the arts. Through hard work and determination, Ruben was able to earn academic scholarships all the way through college, where he studied music. Although he is still passionate about music, he discovered that his true talent lay in drawing. From that point forward, Ruben dropped everything to become a tattoo artist. Ruben honed his craft and eventually opened his first shop in 2013 in Antigua, Guatemala.

In 2017, Ruben moved to NYC and a year later opened Graveyard NYC in lower Manhattan. Today, Ruben travels major conventions throughout the World.