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Home Cartridges ZC1211M1 - 11 Magnum

Tattoo Ink

ZC1211M1 - 11 Magnum

Tattoo Ink

ZC1211M1 - 11 Magnum

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Product Description

One Box of 20 INTENZE Tattoo Needle Cartridges.

From the company that brings you the best and largest selection of Tattoo Ink, we bring you INTENZE Tattoo Needle Cartridges. The ZC1211M1 - 11 Magnum uses the latest in tattooing technology and sterilization to give you the perfect tool for your craft.

Don't settle for average. You deserve the best!

All our pigments are proudly made in the USA in an ISO 9001/2005 and ISO 22716 Facility, ensuring the highest quality standards. We are proud to say that our pigments are vegan and cruelty-free, reflecting our commitment to ethical and sustainable tattooing practices.

Better Ink. Better Tattoos

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